International Collaboration

Multilateral International Collaboration
RenEnergy Crossborder has an international network of partners, with active project development in Japan, Brazil, and other locations under discussion. Our partnership in particular between Germany and Japan is not only based on a business relationships, but extends to the academic and local and national government levels.


RenEnergy Crossborder is participating in the national Research Institute of Humanity and Nature (RIHN) led international project: “Lifeworlds of Sustainable Food Consumption and Production: Agrifood Systems in Transition“. The action research project not only investigates sustainable production and consumption models and scenarios, but also seeks resource cycling models, to which RenEnergy is offering HTC based findings and reports along with biochar project specialists.

We have also worked extensively with the Nordrhein-Westfalen government, arranging government level visits to Japan and securing working relationships with counterparts. In Japan, we continue to support the efforts of the Nippon de Mottomo Utsukushii Mura Rengo (The Most Beautiful Villages in Japan association) and Bioenergy Villages in Germany such as St. Peter and Rettenbach am Auerberg to foster field level and interpersonal relationships to implement a sustainable, circular bioeconomy.

utsukushidelegation Rettenbach

Local governments and citizens groups are welcome to contact us to arrange visits and tours with the goal of establishing partnerships and creating models of project implementation.